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From sailing between volcanic islands to dinners under the stars. From encounters with dolphins to unforgettable sunsets.

Let's go to discover new emotions.

From sailing between volcanic islands to dinners under the stars. From encounters with dolphins to unforgettable sunsets.

Let's go to discover new emotions.

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2022-02-24 11:39

Maria De Filippo

Conservazione del mare, Vacanze naturalistiche, Whale watching, Avvistamento delfini, Meraviglie del mare, Wildlife, Sea life, Vacanze per bambini, Biologia marina, Citizen science,


Sea watching is the activity of observation at sea of the species that populate it: from birds to fish, from marine mammals to turtles both from

Sea watching the activity of observation at sea of the species that populate it: from birds to fish, from marine mammals to turtles both from the boat and through snorkeling or diving. Specifically we talk about whale watching when on board boats you goes in search of cetaceans, whales and dolphins. The encounter

with marine animals in their natural environment is always an immense emotion thanks to that deep sense of freedom that they are able to transmit. ’notation of the behavior of sighted animals, it is possible to contribute to their protection through what is called citizen sciences: the observation data are entered into a database from which biologists can extract useful information for the conservation of marine fauna such as places of rest, passage or food. The most fascinating species of birds

that can be encountered during the summer during a sailing excursion are the shearwaters: splendid pelagic birds with elegant flight that spend most of their existence in the open sea, migrating up to the sea. on the other side of the ocean and returning to our cliffs to reproduce. It is

precisely the presence of seagulls and shearwaters on the surface of the water that can indicate the presence of “mangianza ”, a bubble of anchovies that is made to rise to the surface by predatory fish. For this reason, with a little luck, you might see seabirds and swordfish or a school of tuna jumping

at the same time! A great show is that of dolphins or bottlenose dolphins that suddenly appear in front of the bow of the boat, surfing and jumping! During the spring it is possible to come across some whales (mysticetes or odontoceti) especially if you sail to the Aeolian Islands or along the Strait of

Messina used by these giants of the sea for their migrations. When making sightings it is important to follow a correct code of conduct and not to

get too close to avoid disturbing the animals

in their natural behavior. Where is it most likely to have these spectacular encounters? Surely in the Pelagos Sanctuary or that stretch of sea between Tuscany, Sardinia and France where the particular chemical-physical characteristics induced by the morphology

and the circulation of the waters make the area one of the richest areas of life in the Mediterranean. But also the Strait of Sicily is very rich in biodiversity and it is not rare to find sharks, manta rays,

sunfish, but also rarer cetaceans such as zifi and pilot whales. All

that remains is to set sail with your eyes open to the wonders of the sea!

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